Buying BSGG
There are two methods for purchasing BSGG. One way is through Ascendex, where you must follow specific steps. Additionally, it is possible to buy BSGG through Uniswap by following a different set of instructions.
$BSGG Contract Addresses:
If you can't find the token on a Decentralized Exchange (DEX), or if you want to perform a more detailed search, you can use these token addresses:
BSGG Mainnet (ETH)0xdA16Cf041E2780618c49Dbae5d734B89a6Bac9b3
BSGG Avalanche 0x49f519002EEcEd6902F24C0BE72B6D898e4D27FC
BSGG Fantom 0xCE22c3e95B5E118ea61C4fb9357Fe45Cbb34cb56
They will be helpful for scanning on platforms like Etherscan, Avaxscan or similar network scanning tools, allowing you to track and verify the token's details and transactions
Last updated